Source code for config

from __future__ import print_function
import re
from antk.core.node_ops import *
from antk.lib import termcolor
import sys
import os
import traceback

NODE_GLOBALS = globals().copy()

[docs]def ph_rep(ph): """ Convenience function for representing a tensorflow placeholder. :param ph: A `tensorflow`_ `placeholder`_. :return: A string representing the placeholder. """ return 'Placeholder("%s", shape=%s, dtype=%r)' % (, ph.get_shape().as_list(), ph.dtype)
[docs]class UndefinedVariableError(Exception): '''Raised when a a variable in config is not a key in variable_bindings map handed to graph_setup.''' pass
[docs]class UnsupportedNodeError(NameError): '''Raised when a config file calls a function that is not defined, i.e., has not been imported, or is not in the node_ops base file.''' pass
[docs]class RandomNodeFunctionError(KeyError): '''Raised when something strange happened with a node function call.''' pass
[docs]class MissingTensorError(Exception): '''Raised when a tensor is described by name only in the graph and it is not in a dictionary.''' pass
[docs]class MissingDataError(Exception): '''Raised when data needed to determine shapes is not found in the :any:`DataSet`.''' pass
[docs]class ProcessLookupError(Exception): '''Raised when lookup receives a dataname argument without a corresponding value in it's :any:`DataSet` and there is not already a Placeholder with that name.''' pass
[docs]class GraphMarkerError(Exception): '''Raised when leading character of a line (other than first) in a graph config file is not the specified level marker.''' pass
[docs]class AntGraph(object): """ Object to store graph information from graph built with config file. :param config: A plain text config file :param tensordict: A dictionary of premade tensors represented in the config by key :param placeholderdict: A dictionary of premade placeholder tensors represented in the config by key :param data: A dictionary of data matrices with keys corresponding to placeholder names in graph. :param function_map: A dictionary of function_handle:node_op pairs to use in building the graph :param imports: A dictionary of module_name:path_to_module key value pairs for custom node_ops modules. :param marker: The marker for representing graph structure :param variable_bindings: A dictionary with entries of the form *variable_name:value* for variable replacement in config file. :param graph_name: The name of the graph. Will be used to name the graph pdf file. :param graph_dest: The folder to write the graph pdf and graph dot string to. :param develop: True|False. Whether to print tensor info, while constructing the tensorflow graph. """ def __init__(self, config, tensordict={}, placeholderdict={}, data=None, function_map={}, imports={}, marker='-', variable_bindings=None, graph_name='no_name', graph_dest='antpics/', develop=False): self.marker = marker if data and type(data) is not dict: raise TypeError('Data argument to AntGraph constructor must be a python dictionary with keys, corresponding' 'to placeholder names, and values of numpy arrays, scipy sparse csr_matrices, or HotIndex objects.') = data self._tensordict = tensordict self._placeholderdict = placeholderdict self.develop = develop #========================================================================== #==========================Node Function Extensions======================== #========================================================================== NODE_GLOBALS.update(function_map) self._import_node_files(imports) #=============================================================================== #==================Make Graph=================================================== #=============================================================================== with open(config, 'r') as config_file: graph_spec = # remove whitespace at end of file graph_spec = self._substitute_variables(graph_spec, variable_bindings).split('\n') outputs, node_names = self._get_edges(graph_spec) self._dotstring = 'digraph ' + graph_name + ' {' self._add_nodes(node_names) output_list = [] for subgraph in outputs: output_list.append(self._traverse_graph(subgraph)) if len(output_list) == 1: self._tensor_out = output_list[0] else: self._tensor_out = output_list #=============================================================================== #==================Make Graphviz Dot Picture==================================== #=============================================================================== self._dotstring += '\n}' if not graph_dest.endswith('/'): graph_dest += '/' self._path_to_graph_pic = graph_dest + graph_name + '.pdf' os.system('mkdir ' + graph_dest) with open(graph_dest + graph_name + '.dot', 'w') as dot_file: dot_file.write(self._dotstring) os.system('dot -Tpdf -o ' + graph_dest + graph_name + '.pdf ' + graph_dest + graph_name + '.dot') #=============================================================================== #==================PROPERTIES=================================================== #=============================================================================== @property def tensordict(self): ''' A dictionary of tensors which are nodes in the graph. ''' return self._tensordict @property def placeholderdict(self): ''' A dictionary of tensors which are placeholders in the graph. The key should correspond to the key of the corresponding data in a data dictionary. ''' return self._placeholderdict @property def tensor_out(self): ''' Tensor or list of tensors returned from last node of graph. ''' return self._tensor_out #=============================================================================== #==================INSTANCE METHODS============================================= #===============================================================================
[docs] def display_graph(self, pdfviewer='okular'): """ Display the pdf image of graph from config file to screen. """ os.system(pdfviewer + ' ' + self._path_to_graph_pic + ' &')
[docs] def get_array(collection_name, index, session, graph): #return(graph.get_tensor_by_name) return[index])
#=============================================================================== #==================PRIVATE METHODS============================================== #=============================================================================== def _traverse_graph(self, graph): """ This is a postorder 'tree' traversal with possibly repeated non-looping nodes. """ if len(graph) == 1: outspec = graph[0] return self._make_tensor(outspec) else: vertex_name = graph[0].strip().split()[0].strip(self.marker[0]) t_list = [] edges, node_names = self._get_edges(graph[1:len(graph)]) self._add_edges(vertex_name, node_names) for end_node in edges: t_list.append(self._traverse_graph(end_node)) spec = graph[0] if len(edges) == 1: tensor_out = self._make_tensor(spec, intensors=t_list[0]) else: tensor_out = self._make_tensor(spec, intensors=t_list) return tensor_out def _make_tensor(self, spec, intensors=None): ''' Parses a line from config file to make a tensor. ''' spec = spec.strip().split() name = spec[0].strip(self.marker[0]) double_comma = re.compile(',,') # fix for baffling error function_spec = ''.join(spec[1:len(spec)]) function_params = function_spec.split('(') func = function_params[0] if name in self._tensordict: return self._tensordict[name] elif len(spec) > 1: params = function_params[1].strip(')') if intensors is not None: params = double_comma.sub(',', 'intensors,' + params + ',name=name') params = params.strip(',') else: params = double_comma.sub(',', params + ',name=name') params = params.strip(',') if func == 'placeholder': return self._process_placeholder(func, params, name) elif func == 'lookup': return self._process_lookup(func, params, name) else: function_call = func + '(' + params + ')' try: self._tensordict[name] = eval(function_call, NODE_GLOBALS, locals()) if self.develop: heading = 'Node %s: %s' % (name, self.tensordict[name]) print(termcolor.colored(heading, 'green')) print('\tFunction Call: %s\n\tTensor Inputs:\n\t\t' % (function_call), end="") if type(intensors) is list: print(*intensors, sep='\n\t\t') else: print(intensors) except NameError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above | " "Input Tensors Below============================", 'red')) print('Input Tensors:\n\t', end="") if type(intensors) is list: print(*intensors, sep='\n\t') else: print(intensors) raise NameError('\nFunction Call: %s\n intensors: %r' % (function_call, intensors)) except TypeError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above |" "Input Tensors Below============================", 'red')) print('Input Tensors:\n\t', end="") if type(intensors) is list: print(*intensors, sep='\n\t') else: print(intensors) raise TypeError('\nFunction Call: %s\n intensors: %r' % (function_call, intensors)) except ValueError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above |" "Input Tensors Below============================", 'red')) print('Input Tensors:\n\t', end="") if type(intensors) is list: print(*intensors, sep='\n\t') else: print(intensors) raise ValueError('\nFunction Call: %s\n intensors: %r' % (function_call, intensors)) return self._tensordict[name] else: raise MissingTensorError('Name %s: from config file is not in the tensor or placeholder ' 'dictionary so it must have a function call.' % name) def _get_edges(self, graph): ''' Gets subgraphs and names of parent nodes. ''' level = self._get_level(graph[0]) node_names = [graph[0].strip().split()[0].strip(self.marker[0])] list = [0] for i in range(1, len(graph)): if self._get_level(graph[i]) == level: list.append(i) node_names.append(graph[i].strip().split()[0].strip(self.marker[0])) list.append(len(graph)) intensors = [] for i in range(0, len(list) - 1): intensors.append(graph[list[i]:list[i+1]]) return intensors, node_names def _get_level(self, line): ''' Find level of line from graph markers. ''' spot = 0 level = 0 line = line.strip() while line[spot] == self.marker[0]: level += 1 spot += 1 if level % len(self.marker) != 0: raise GraphMarkerError('Need multiples of %s %s to delimit edges. Line: %s' % (len(self.marker), self.marker, line)) return level def _process_placeholder(self, func=None, params=None, name=None): """ Special treatment for placeholders which may be data dependent. """ if name not in self._placeholderdict: if is not None and name in params += ',[name]' else: raise MissingDataError('There is no data called %s in the DataSet for this AntGraph.' % name) function_call = func + '(' + params + ')' try: self._placeholderdict[name] = eval(function_call, NODE_GLOBALS, locals()) if self.develop: heading = 'Node %s: %r' % (name, self.placeholderdict[name]) print(termcolor.colored(heading, 'green')) print('\tFunction Call: %s\n\tInput Data: %r' % (function_call,[name])) return self._placeholderdict[name] except NameError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise NameError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[name], name)) except TypeError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise TypeError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[name], name)) except ValueError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise ValueError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[name], name)) return self._placeholderdict[name] def _process_lookup(self, func=None, params=None, name=None): """ Special treatment for lookup function which may be data dependent. """ paramlist = params.split(',') dataname = None for p in paramlist: if p.startswith('dataname='): dataname = p.split('=')[1] if dataname is not None: dataname = dataname.strip("'") if dataname in self._placeholderdict: params += ', makeplace=False, indices=self._placeholderdict[dataname], ' \ '[dataname]' elif dataname in params += ',[dataname]' else: function_call = func + '(' + params + ')' raise ProcessLookupError('"%s" is not a key in the data dictionary for this AntGraph. ' 'Need to provide a valid dataname argument for lookup without tensor input.' ' \nCall: %s' % (dataname, function_call)) function_call = func + '(' + params + ')' try: vals = eval(function_call, NODE_GLOBALS, locals()) self._tensordict[name] = vals[0] self._tensordict[name + '_weights'] = vals[1] self._placeholderdict[dataname] = vals[2] if self.develop: heading = 'Node %s: %s' % (name, self.tensordict[name]) print(termcolor.colored(heading, 'green')) print('\tFunction Call: %s\n\tPlaceholder: %s\n\tWeights: %s\n\tInput Data: %r\n\t' % (function_call, ph_rep(vals[1]), vals[2],[dataname])) return self._tensordict[name] except NameError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise NameError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[dataname], dataname)) except TypeError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise TypeError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[dataname], dataname)) except ValueError as e: traceback.print_exc() print(termcolor.colored("==========================Original Handled Exception Above============================", 'red')) raise ValueError('\nFunction Call: %s\nname=%r\ndata: %r hash=%s)' % (function_call, name,[dataname], dataname)) def _add_nodes(self, node_names): """ Add nodes to graphviz dot string. """ for node in node_names: self._dotstring += '\n\t' + node + ';' def _add_edges(self, start, dest): """ Add edges to graphviz dot string. """ self._dotstring += '\n\t' + start + ' -> {' for node in dest: self._dotstring += node + ',' self._dotstring = self._dotstring.strip(',') self._dotstring += '} [dir=back];' def _substitute_variables(self, graph_spec, variable_bindings): """ String substitution of graph text marked as variables. """ has_marker = False test_graph = graph_spec.split('\n') for line in test_graph: if line.strip().startswith(self.marker): has_marker = True if not has_marker: raise GraphMarkerError("There are no instances of the chosen " "marker '%s' in the graph config file." % self.marker) if variable_bindings is None: indice = graph_spec.find('$') if indice >= 0: raise UndefinedVariableError('Need variable_bindings argument in call to AntGraph to bind ' 'variable beginning: %s' % graph_spec[indice:indice+10]) else: for symbol in variable_bindings: replacee = '$' + symbol if graph_spec.find(replacee) >= 0: if type(variable_bindings[symbol]) is str: graph_spec = graph_spec.replace(replacee, "'" + str(variable_bindings[symbol] + "'")) else: graph_spec = graph_spec.replace(replacee, str(variable_bindings[symbol])) else: raise UndefinedVariableError('%s is not mentioned in config file.' % replacee) indice = graph_spec.find('$') if indice >= 0: variable = graph_spec[indice+1:len(graph_spec)] if variable.find(',') >= 0: variable = variable.split(',')[0] #parameter in middle of function call elif variable.find(')') >= 0: variable = variable.split(')')[0] #parameter at end of function call else: raise RandomNodeFunctionError('You forgot a parenthesis.') raise UndefinedVariableError('%s was not bound. Include %s in ' 'variable_bindings dictionary' % (variable, variable)) return graph_spec def _import_node_files(self, files): ''' Import node functions from modules in import parameter of constructor. ''' for name in files: try: if files[name] is not None: sys.path.append(files[name]) m = __import__(name=name, globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist="*") try: attrlist = m.__all__ except AttributeError: attrlist = dir(m) for attr in [a for a in attrlist if '__' not in a]: NODE_GLOBALS[attr] = getattr(m, attr) except ImportError, e: sys.stderr.write('Unable to read %s/\n' % (files[name], name)) sys.exit(1)
# ==================================================================== # ===========Graph Format Testing ==================================== # ====================================================================
[docs]def testGraph(config, marker='-', graph_dest='antpics/', graph_name='test_graph'): """ :param config: A graph specification in .config format. :param marker: A character or string of characters to delimit graph edges. :param graph_dest: Where to save the graphviz pdf and associated dot file. :param graph_name: A name for the graph (without extension) """ with open(config, 'r') as config_file: graph_spec ='\n') # remove whitespace at end of file outputs, node_names = _get_edges(graph_spec, marker) dotstring = 'digraph test_graph' + ' {' dotstring = _add_nodes(node_names, dotstring) for subgraph in outputs: dotstring = _traverse_graph(subgraph, marker, dotstring) dotstring += '\n}' if not graph_dest.endswith('/'): graph_dest += '/' path_to_graph_pic = graph_dest + graph_name + '.pdf' os.system('mkdir ' + graph_dest) with open(graph_dest + graph_name + '.dot', 'w') as dot_file: dot_file.write(dotstring) os.system('dot -Tpdf -o ' + path_to_graph_pic + ' ' + graph_dest + graph_name + '.dot') os.system('okular ' + path_to_graph_pic + ' &')
def _traverse_graph(graph, marker, dotstring): """ This is a postorder 'tree' traversal with possibly repeated non-looping nodes. """ if len(graph) == 1: return dotstring else: vertex_name = graph[0].strip().split()[0].strip(marker[0]) edges, node_names = _get_edges(graph[1:len(graph)], marker) dotstring = _add_edges(vertex_name, node_names, dotstring) for end_node in edges: dotstring = _traverse_graph(end_node, marker, dotstring) return dotstring def _get_edges(graph, marker): ''' Gets subgraphs and names of parent nodes. ''' level = _get_level(graph[0], marker) node_names = [graph[0].strip().split()[0].strip(marker[0])] list = [0] for i in range(1, len(graph)): if _get_level(graph[i], marker) == level: list.append(i) node_names.append(graph[i].strip().split()[0].strip(marker[0])) list.append(len(graph)) intensors = [] for i in range(0, len(list) - 1): intensors.append(graph[list[i]:list[i+1]]) return intensors, node_names def _get_level(line, marker): ''' Find level of line from graph markers. ''' spot = 0 level = 0 line = line.strip() while line[spot] == marker[0]: level += 1 spot += 1 if level % len(marker) != 0: raise GraphMarkerError('Need multiples of %s %s to delimit edges. Line: %s' % (len(marker), marker, line)) return level def _add_nodes(node_names, dotstring): """ Add nodes to graphviz dot string. """ for node in node_names: dotstring += '\n\t' + node + ';' return dotstring def _add_edges(start, dest, dotstring): """ Add edges to graphviz dot string. """ dotstring += '\n\t' + start + ' -> {' for node in dest: dotstring += node + ',' dotstring = dotstring.strip(',') dotstring += '} [dir=back];' return dotstring