Source code for node_ops

from __future__ import division
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy
import scipy.sparse as sps
from antk.core import loader
import numbers

from antk.lib.decorate import pholder, variable, node_op, neural_net, act, relu, loss_function

ACTIVATION_LAYERS = 'activation_layers'
NORMALIZED_ACTIVATIONS = 'normalized_activations'

[docs]class MissingShapeError(Exception): '''Raised when :any:`placeholder` can not infer shape.''' pass
[docs]def fan_scale(initrange, activation, tensor_in): if activation == relu: initrange *= numpy.sqrt(2.0/float(tensor_in.get_shape().as_list()[1])) else: initrange *= (1.0/numpy.sqrt(float(tensor_in.get_shape().as_list()[1]))) return initrange
# =============================================================================== # ===================NODES======================================================= # ===============================================================================
[docs]def ident(tensor_in, name='ident'): """ Identity function for grouping tensors in graph, during config parsing. :param tensor_in: A Tensor_ or list of tensors :return: tensor_in """ return tensor_in
[docs]def placeholder(dtype, shape=None, data=None, name='placeholder'): """ Wrapper to create tensorflow_ Placeholder_ which infers dimensions given data. :param dtype: Tensorflow dtype to initiliaze a Placeholder. :param shape: Dimensions of Placeholder :param data: Data to infer dimensions of Placeholder from. :param name: Unique name for variable scope. :return: A Tensorflow_ Placeholder. """ if data is None and shape is None: raise MissingShapeError('Shape or data to infer the shape from must be provided') if data is not None and shape is None: if type(data) is loader.HotIndex: shape = [None] else: shapespec = list(data.shape) shape = [None] shape.extend(shapespec[1:len(shapespec)]) return tf.placeholder(dtype, shape, name)
[docs]def weights(distribution, shape, dtype=tf.float32, initrange=1e-5, seed=None, l2=0.0, name='weights'): """ Wrapper parameterizing common constructions of tf.Variables. :param distribution: A string identifying distribution 'tnorm' for truncated normal, 'rnorm' for random normal, 'constant' for constant, 'uniform' for uniform. :param shape: Shape of weight tensor. :param dtype: dtype for weights :param initrange: Scales standard normal and trunctated normal, value of constant dist., and range of uniform dist. [-initrange, initrange]. :param seed: For reproducible results. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param name: For variable scope. :return: A tf.Variable. """ if distribution == 'norm': wghts = tf.Variable(initrange*tf.random_normal(shape, 0, 1, dtype, seed)) elif distribution == 'tnorm': wghts = tf.Variable(initrange*tf.truncated_normal(shape, 0, 1, dtype, seed)) elif distribution == 'uniform': wghts = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform(shape, -initrange, initrange, dtype, seed)) elif distribution == 'constant': wghts = tf.Variable(tf.constant(initrange, dtype=dtype, shape=shape)) else: raise ValueError("Argument 'distribution takes values 'norm', 'tnorm', 'uniform', 'constant', " "Received %s" % distribution) if l2 != 0.0: tf.add_to_collection('losses', tf.mul(tf.nn.l2_loss(wghts), l2, name=name + 'weight_loss')) return wghts
[docs]def cosine(operands, name='cosine'): """ Takes the cosine of vectors in corresponding rows of the two matrix tensors_ in operands. :param operands: A list of two tensors to take cosine of. :param name: An optional name for unique variable scope. :return: A tensor with dimensions (operands[0].shape[0], 1) :raises: ValueError when operands do not have matching shapes. """ shape1 = operands[0].get_shape().as_list() shape2 = operands[1].get_shape().as_list() if not shape1 == shape2: raise ValueError("Cosine expects matching shapes for operands. Found operands[0] shape = %s, " "operands[1] shape = %s" % (shape1, shape2)) else: xlen = node_op(tf.sqrt)(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(operands[0], operands[0]), 1, keep_dims=True), name='cosine') ylen = node_op(tf.sqrt)(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(operands[1], operands[1]), 1, keep_dims=True)) norm = node_op(tf.mul)(xlen, ylen) return tf.div(x_dot_y(operands), norm, name=name)
[docs]def x_dot_y(operands, name='x_dot_y'): """ Takes the inner product for rows of operands[1], and operands[2], and adds optional bias, operands[3], operands[4]. If either operands[1] or operands[2] or both is a list of tensors then a list of the pairwise dot products (with bias when len(operands) > 2) of the lists is returned. :param operands: A list of 2, 3, or 4 tensors_ (the first two tensors may be replaced by lists of tensors in which case the return value will a list of the dot products for all members of the cross product of the two lists.). :param name: An optional identifier for unique variable_scope_. :return: A tensor or list of tensors with dimension (operands[1].shape[0], 1). :raises: Value error when operands is not a list of at least two tensors. """ if type(operands) is not list or len(operands) < 2: raise ValueError("x_dot_y needs a list of 2-4 tensors.") outproducts = [] if type(operands[0]) is not list: operands[0] = [operands[0]] if type(operands[1]) is not list: operands[1] = [operands[1]] for i in range(len(operands[0])): for j in range(len(operands[1])): with tf.name_scope('right%d' % i + 'left%d' % j): dot = node_op(tf.reduce_sum)(tf.mul(operands[0][i], operands[1][j]), 1, keep_dims=True, name=name) if len(operands) > 2: dot = dot + operands[2] if len(operands) > 3: dot = dot + operands[3] outproducts.append(dot) if len(outproducts) == 1: return outproducts[0] else: return outproducts
[docs]def lookup(dataname=None, data=None, indices=None, distribution='uniform', initrange=0.1, l2=0.0, shape=None, makeplace=True, name='lookup'): """ A wrapper for `tensorflow's`_ `embedding_lookup`_ which infers the shape of the weight matrix and placeholder value from the parameter *data*. :param dataname: Used exclusively by :param data: A :any:`HotIndex` object :param indices: A `Placeholder`_. If indices is none the dimensions will be inferred from *data* :param distribution: Distribution for lookup weight initialization :param initrange: Initrange for weight distribution. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param shape: The dimensions of the output tensor_, typically [None, output-size] :param makeplace: A boolean to tell whether or not a placeholder has been created for this data (Used by :param name: A name for unique variable scope. :return: tf.nn.embedding_lookup(wghts, indices), wghts, indices """ if type(data) is loader.IndexVector: if makeplace: indices = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name=dataname) wghts = weights(distribution, [data.dim, shape[1]], initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name+'_weights') return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(wghts, indices, name=name), wghts, indices else: raise TypeError("Type of data for lookup indices must be antk.core.loader.HotIndex")
[docs]def embedding(tensors, name='embedding'): """ A wrapper for `tensorflow's`_ `embedding_lookup`_ :param tensors: A list of two tensors_ , matrix, indices :param name: Unique name for variable scope :return: A matrix tensor_ where the i-th row = matrix[indices[i]] """ matrix = tensors[0] indices = tensors[1] return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(matrix, indices, name=name)
[docs]def mult_log_reg(tensor_in, numclasses=None, data=None, dtype=tf.float32, initrange=1e-10, seed=None, l2=0.0, name='log_reg'): """ Performs mulitnomial logistic regression forward pass. Weights and bias initialized to zeros. :param tensor_in: A tensor_ or placeholder_ :param numclasses: For classificatio :param data: For shape inference. :param dtype: For :any:`weights` initialization. :param initrange: For :any:`weights` initialization. :param seed: For :any:`weights` initialization. :param l2: For :any:`weights` initialization. :param name: For `variable_scope`_ :return: A tensor shape=(tensor_in.shape[0], numclasses) """ if data is not None: if type(data) is loader.HotIndex: numclasses = data.dim elif loader.is_one_hot(data): numclasses = data.shape[1] else: raise MissingShapeError('Can not infer shape from data: %s' % data) elif numclasses is None: raise MissingShapeError('Can not infer shape. Need numclasses or data argument.') inshape = tensor_in.get_shape().as_list() W = weights('uniform', [inshape[1], numclasses], dtype=dtype, initrange=initrange, seed=seed, l2=l2, name=name + '_weights') b = weights('uniform', [numclasses], dtype=dtype, initrange=initrange, seed=seed, l2=l2, name=name + '_bias') tensor_out = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(tensor_in, W) + b) return tensor_out
[docs]def concat(tensors, output_dim, name='concat'): """ Matrix multiplies each tensor_ in *tensors* by its own weight matrix and adds together the results. :param tensors: A list of tensors. :param output_dim: Dimension of output :param name: An optional identifier for unique variable_scope_. :return: A tensor with shape [None, output_dim] """ for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors): with tf.variable_scope('inTensor%d' % i): tensor_in = linear(tensor, output_dim, True, name=name + '_linear') if i == 0: combo = tensor_in else: combo = combo + tensor_in return combo
[docs]def dnn(tensor_in, hidden_units, activation='tanh', distribution='tnorm', initrange=1.0, l2=0.0, bn=False, keep_prob=None, fan_scaling=False, name='dnn'): """ Creates fully connected deep neural network subgraph. Adapted From skflow_ ``_ `Neural Networks and Deep Learning`_ `Using Neural Nets to Recognize Handwritten Digits`_ :param tensor_in: tensor_ or placeholder_ for input features. :param hidden_units: list of counts of hidden units in each layer. :param activation: activation function between layers. Can be None. :param distribution: Distribution for lookup weight initialization :param initrange: Initrange for weight distribution. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param bn: Whether or not to use batch normalization :param keep_prob: if not None, will add a dropout layer with given probability. :param name: A name for unique variable_scope_. :return: A tensor_ which would be a deep neural network. """ for i, n_units in enumerate(hidden_units): with tf.variable_scope('layer%d' % i): if fan_scaling: initrange = fan_scale(initrange, activation, tensor_in) tensor_in = linear(tensor_in, n_units, bias=not bn, distribution=distribution, initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name) if bn: tensor_in = batch_normalize(tensor_in, name=name + '_bn') tensor_in = activation(tensor_in, name=name + '_activation') if keep_prob: tensor_in = dropout(tensor_in, keep_prob, name=name + '_dropouts') return tensor_in
[docs]def convolutional_net(in_progress=None): """ See: `Tensorflow Deep MNIST for Experts`_ , `Tensorflow Convolutional Neural Networks`_ , `ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks`_ , `skflow/examples/`_ , `skflow/examples/`_ , `Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification`_ :param in_progress: :return: """
[docs]def residual_dnn(tensor_in, hidden_units, activation='tanh', distribution='tnorm', initrange=1.0, l2=0.0, bn=False, keep_prob=None, fan_scaling=False, skiplayers=3, name='residual_dnn'): """ Creates residual neural network with shortcut connections. `Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition`_ :param tensor_in: tensor_ or placeholder_ for input features. :param hidden_units: list of counts of hidden units in each layer. :param activation: activation function between layers. Can be None. :param distribution: Distribution for lookup weight initialization :param initrange: Initrange for weight distribution. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param bn: Whether or not to use batch normalization :param keep_prob: if not None, will add a dropout layer with given probability. :param skiplayers: The number of layers to skip for the shortcut connection. :param name: A name for unique variable scope :return: A tensor_ which would be a residual deep neural network. """ if len(hidden_units) % skiplayers != 0: raise ValueError('The number of layers must be a multiple of skiplayers') if fan_scaling: initrange = fan_scale(initrange, activation, tensor_in) for k in range((len(hidden_units))//skiplayers): shortcut = tensor_in tensor_in = linear(tensor_in, hidden_units[k*skiplayers], bias=not bn, distribution=distribution, initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name) start, end = k*(skiplayers) + 1, k*(skiplayers) + skiplayers for i, n_units in enumerate(hidden_units[start:end]): with tf.variable_scope('layer%d' % i*(k+1)): if bn: tensor_in = batch_normalize(tensor_in, name=name + '_bn') tensor_in = activation(tensor_in, name = name + '_activation') if keep_prob: tensor_in = dropout(tensor_in, keep_prob, name=name + '_dropouts') tensor_in = linear(tensor_in, n_units, bias=not bn, distribution=distribution, initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name) shp1, shp2 = shortcut.get_shape().as_list(), tensor_in.get_shape().as_list() if shp1[1] != shp2[1]: with tf.variable_scope('skip_connect%d' % k): shortcut = linear(shortcut, shp2[1], bias=True, initrange=initrange, distribution=distribution, l2=l2, name=name + '_skiptransform') tensor_in = tensor_in + shortcut tensor_in = activation(tensor_in) return tensor_in
[docs]def highway_dnn(tensor_in, hidden_units, activation='tanh', distribution='tnorm', initrange=1.0, l2=0.0, bn=False, keep_prob=None, fan_scaling=False, bias_start=-1, name='highway_dnn'): """ A highway deep neural network. `Training Very Deep Networks`_ :param tensor_in: A 2d matrix tensor_. :param hidden_units: list of counts of hidden units in each layer. :param activation: Non-linearity to perform. Can be ident for no non-linearity. :param distribution: Distribution for lookup weight initialization :param initrange: Initrange for weight distribution. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param bn: Whether or not to use batch normalization :param keep_prob: Dropout rate. :param bias_start: initialization of transform bias weights :param name: A name for unique variable_scope. :return: A tensor_ which would be a highway deep neural network. """ if fan_scaling: initrange = fan_scale(initrange, activation, tensor_in) for i, n_units in enumerate(hidden_units): with tf.variable_scope('layer%d' % i): with tf.variable_scope('hidden'): hidden = linear(tensor_in, n_units, bias=not bn, distribution=distribution, initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name) # if bn: # tensor_in = batch_normalize(tensor_in, name=name + '_bn') hidden = activation(hidden, name=name+'_activation') with tf.variable_scope('transform'): transform = linear(tensor_in, n_units, bias_start=bias_start, bias=not bn, initrange=initrange, l2=l2, distribution=distribution, name=name + '_transform') # if bn: # transform = batch_normalize(tensor_in, name=name + '_bn') tensor_in = hidden * transform + tensor_in * (1 - transform) if bn: tensor_in = batch_normalize(tensor_in, name=name + '_bn') tf.add_to_collection(name, tensor_in) if keep_prob: tensor_in = dropout(tensor_in, keep_prob, name=name + '_dropouts') return tensor_in
[docs]def dropout(tensor_in, prob, name='Dropout'): """ Adds dropout node. Adapted from skflow ``_ . `Dropout A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting`_ :param tensor_in: Input tensor_. :param prob: The percent of weights to keep. :param name: A name for the tensor. :return: Tensor_ of the same shape of *tensor_in*. """ if isinstance(prob, float): keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) tf.add_to_collection('dropout_prob', (keep_prob, prob)) return tf.nn.dropout(tensor_in, keep_prob)
[docs]def linear(tensor_in, output_size, bias, bias_start=0.0, distribution='tnorm', initrange=1.0, l2=0.0, name="Linear"): """ Linear map: :math:`\sum_i(args[i] * W_i)`, where :math:`W_i` is a variable. :param args: a 2D Tensor_ :param output_size: int, second dimension of W[i]. :param bias: boolean, whether to add a bias term or not. :param bias_start: starting value to initialize the bias; 0 by default. :param distribution: Distribution for lookup weight initialization :param initrange: Initrange for weight distribution. :param l2: Floating point number determining degree of of l2 regularization for these weights in gradient descent update. :param name: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "Linear". :return: A 2D Tensor with shape [batch x output_size] equal to :math:`\sum_i(args[i] * W_i)`, where :math:`W_i` are newly created matrices. :raises: ValueError: if some of the arguments has unspecified or wrong shape. """ shape = tensor_in.get_shape().as_list() if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Linear is expecting 2D arguments: %s" % str(shape)) if not shape[1]: raise ValueError("Linear expects shape[1] of arguments: %s" % str(shape)) W = weights(distribution, [shape[1], output_size], initrange=initrange, l2=l2, name=name+'_weights') tensor_out = tf.matmul(tf.cast(tensor_in, tf.float32), W) if not bias: return tensor_out b = weights('uniform', [output_size], initrange=bias_start, name=name+'_bias') return tensor_out + b
[docs]def batch_normalize(tensor_in, epsilon=1e-5, decay=0.999, name="batch_norm"): """ Batch Normalization: `Batch Normalization Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift`_ An exponential moving average of means and variances in calculated to estimate sample mean and sample variance for evaluations. For testing pair placeholder is_training with [0] in feed_dict. For training pair placeholder is_training with [1] in feed_dict. Example: Let **train = 1** for training and **train = 0** for evaluation .. code-block:: python bn_deciders = {decider:[train] for decider in tf.get_collection('bn_deciders')} feed_dict.update(bn_deciders) :param tensor_in: input Tensor_ :param epsilon: A float number to avoid being divided by 0. :param name: For variable_scope_ :return: Tensor with variance bounded by a unit and mean of zero according to the batch. """ is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]) # [1] or [0], Using a placeholder to decide which # statistics to use for normalization allows # either the running stats or the batch stats to # be used without rebuilding the graph. tf.add_to_collection('bn_deciders', is_training) pop_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([tensor_in.get_shape()[-1]]), trainable=False) pop_var = tf.Variable(tf.ones([tensor_in.get_shape()[-1]]), trainable=False) # calculate batch mean/var and running mean/var batch_mean, batch_variance = node_op(tf.nn.moments)(tensor_in, [0], name=name) # The running mean/variance is updated when is_training == 1. running_mean = tf.assign(pop_mean, pop_mean * (decay + (1.0 - decay)*(1.0 - tf.to_float(is_training))) + batch_mean * (1.0 - decay) * tf.to_float(is_training)) running_var = tf.assign(pop_var, pop_var * (decay + (1.0 - decay)*(1.0 - tf.to_float(is_training))) + batch_variance * (1.0 - decay) * tf.to_float(is_training)) # Choose statistic mean = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tf.pack([running_mean, batch_mean]), is_training) variance = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tf.pack([running_var, batch_variance]), is_training) shape = tensor_in.get_shape().as_list() gamma = weights('constant', [shape[1]], initrange=0.0, name=name + '_gamma') beta = weights('constant', [shape[1]], initrange=1.0, name=name + '_beta') # Batch Norm Transform inv = node_op(tf.rsqrt)(epsilon + variance, name=name) tensor_in = beta * (tensor_in - mean) * inv + gamma tf.add_to_collection(NORMALIZED_ACTIVATIONS, tensor_in) return tensor_in
[docs]def nmode_tensor_tomatrix(tensor, mode, name='nmode_matricize'): ''' Nmode tensor unfolding (for order three tensor) from Kolda and Bader `Tensor Decompositions and Applications`_ :param tensor: Order 3 tensor to unfold :param mode: Mode to unfold (0,1,2, columns, rows, or fibers) :param name: For variable scoping :return: A matrix (order 2 tensor) with shape dim(mode) X :math:`\Pi_{othermodes}` dim(othermodes) ''' tensorshape = tensor.get_shape().as_list() if mode == 0: tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, perm=[0, 2, 1]) matricized_shape = [tensorshape[mode], 1, -1] if mode == 1: tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, perm=[1, 2, 0]) matricized_shape = [tensorshape[mode], 1, -1] if mode == 2: tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, perm=[2, 1, 0]) matricized_shape = [tensorshape[mode], -1, 1] tensor = tf.squeeze(tf.reshape(tensor, matricized_shape)) return tensor
[docs]def nmode_tensor_multiply(tensors, mode, leave_flattened=False, keep_dims=False, name='nmode_multiply'): ''' Nth mode tensor multiplication (for order three tensor) from Kolda and Bader `Tensor Decompositions and Applications`_ Works for vectors (matrix with a 1 dimension or matrices) :param tensors: A list of tensors the first is an order three tensor the second and order 2 :param mode: The mode to perform multiplication against. :param leave_flattened: Whether or not to reshape tensor back to order 3 :param keep_dims: Whether or not to remove 1 dimensions :param name: For variable scope :return: Either an order 3 or order 2 tensor ''' tensor = tensors[0] matrix = tensors[1] tensorshape = tensor.get_shape().as_list() matrixshape = matrix.get_shape().as_list() if tensorshape[mode] != matrixshape[1]: raise ValueError("Number of columns of matrix must equal dimension of tensor mode") else: flattened_product = tf.matmul(matrix, nmode_tensor_tomatrix(tensor, mode)) if not leave_flattened: if mode == 0: product = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(flattened_product, [-1,tensorshape[2],tensorshape[1]]), [0,2,1]) elif mode == 1: product = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(flattened_product, [-1,tensorshape[2],tensorshape[0]]), [0,2,1]) elif mode == 2: product = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(flattened_product, [-1,tensorshape[1],tensorshape[0]]), [2,1,0]) if not keep_dims: product = tf.squeeze(product) return product
[docs]def binary_tensor_combine(tensors, output_dim=10, initrange=1e-5, l2=0.0, distribution='tnorm', name='binary_tensor_combine'): ''' For performing tensor multiplications with batches of data points against an order 3 weight tensor. :param tensors: A list of two matrices each with first dim batch-size :param output_dim: The dimension of the third mode of the weight tensor :param initrange: For initializing weight tensor :param name: For variable scope :return: A matrix with shape batch_size X output_dim ''' mat1 = tensors[0] mat2 = tensors[1] mat1shape = mat1.get_shape().as_list() mat2shape = mat2.get_shape().as_list() if mat1shape[0] != mat2shape[0]: raise ValueError("Number of rows must match for matrices being combined.") t = weights(distribution, [mat1.get_shape().as_list()[1], mat2.get_shape().as_list()[1], output_dim], dtype=mat1.dtype, l2=l2) tf.add_to_collection(name+'_weights', t) prod = nmode_tensor_multiply([t, mat1], mode=0, keep_dims=True) mat2 = tf.expand_dims(mat2, 1) return tf.squeeze(tf.batch_matmul(mat2, prod), [1])
[docs]def ternary_tensor_combine(tensors, initrange=1e-5, distribution='tnorm', l2=0.0, name='ternary_tensor_combine'): ''' For performing tensor multiplications with batches of data points against an order 3 weight tensor. :param tensors: :param output_dim: :param initrange: :param name: :return: ''' combine_pair = [tensors[0], tensors[1]] combined = binary_tensor_combine(combine_pair, output_dim=tensors[2].get_shape().as_list()[1], l2=l2) return x_dot_y([combined,tensors[2]])
[docs]def khatri_rao(tensors, name='khatrirao'): ''' From `David Palzer`_ :param tensors: :param name: :return: ''' h1 = tensors[0] h2 = tensors[1] L1 = h1.get_shape().as_list()[1] L2 = h2.get_shape().as_list()[1] L = L1*L2 h2Tiled = tf.tile(h2,[1,L1]) # how to tile h2 # L1 and L2 are the number of cols in H1 and H2 respectively h1Tiled = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.tile(tf.reshape(h1, [1, -1]), [L2, 1])), [-1, L]) # how to tile h1 return tf.mul(h1Tiled,h2Tiled)
[docs]def binary_tensor_combine2(tensors, output_dim=10, initrange=1e-5, name='binary_tensor_combine2'): with tf.variable_scope(name): x = khatri_rao(tensors) w = weights('tnorm', [tensors[0].get_shape().as_list()[1] * tensors[1].get_shape().as_list()[1], output_dim], dtype=x.dtype) return tf.matmul(x, w)
# ================================================================================== # =============EVALUATION METRICS / LOSS FUNCTIONS================================== # ================================================================================== @loss_function
[docs]def se(predictions, targets, name='squared_error'): ''' Squared Error. ''' return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(predictions - targets))
[docs]def mse(predictions, targets, name='mse'): ''' Mean Squared Error. ''' return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(predictions - targets))
[docs]def rmse(predictions, targets, name='rmse'): ''' Root Mean Squared Error ''' return tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(predictions - targets)))
[docs]def mae(predictions, targets, name='mae'): '''Mean Absolute Error''' return tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(predictions - targets))
[docs]def other_cross_entropy(predictions, targets, name='logistic_loss'): '''Logistic Loss''' return -1*tf.reduce_sum(targets * tf.log(predictions) + (1.0 - targets) * tf.log(1.0 - predictions))
[docs]def cross_entropy(predictions, targets, name='cross_entropy'): return -tf.reduce_sum(targets*tf.log(predictions + 1e-8))
[docs]def perplexity(predictions, targets, name='perplexity'): return tf.exp(cross_entropy(predictions, targets))
[docs]def detection(predictions, threshold, name='detection'): return tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(predictions, threshold), tf.float32)
[docs]def recall(predictions, targets, threshold=0.5, detects=None, name='recall'): ''' Percentage of actual classes predicted :param targets: A one hot encoding of class labels (num_points X numclasses) :param predictions: A real valued matrix with indices ranging between zero and 1 (num_points X numclasses) :param threshold: The detection threshold (between zero and 1) :param detects: In case detection is precomputed for efficiency when evaluating both precision and recall :return: A scalar value ''' if not detects: detects = detection(predictions, threshold) return tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(detects, targets)), tf.reduce_sum(targets))
[docs]def precision(predictions, targets, threshold=0.5, detects=None, name='precision'): ''' Percentage of classes detected which are correct. :param targets: A one hot encoding of class labels (num_points X numclasses) :param predictions: A real valued matrix with indices ranging between zero and 1 (num_points X numclasses) :param threshold: The detection threshold (between zero and 1) :param detects: In case detection is precomputed for efficiency when evaluating both precision and recall :return: A scalar value ''' if not detects: detects = detection(predictions, threshold) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(targets, detects)) / (tf.reduce_sum(detects) + 1e-8)
[docs]def fscore(predictions=None, targets=None, threshold=0.5, precisions=None, recalls=None, name='fscore'): if not precisions and not recalls: detects = detection(predictions, threshold) recalls = recall(targets, threshold=threshold, detects=detects) precisions = precision(targets, threshold=threshold, detects=detects) return 2*(tf.mul(precisions, recalls) / (precisions + recalls + 1e-8))
[docs]def accuracy(predictions, targets, name='accuracy'): correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(predictions, 1), tf.argmax(targets, 1)) return tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))